Family News: Tom Shrader is With Jesus

Dear Redemption Family,

We are writing with heavy hearts to inform you that Tom Shrader passed away last night, Sunday, January 13, 2019. After dealing with significant health issues over the last few years, it was determined within the last week that cancer was throughout his entire body. His last few days were difficult, but the Lord mercifully took him quickly.

Tom’s influence across Redemption Church is extensive and he will be deeply missed. In 1991, Tom helped found East Valley Bible Church (now Redemption Gilbert). All of the pastors across Redemption have been shaped profoundly by Tom’s life and ministry – some very directly and others by extension.

Tom will likely be remembered most for his dynamic teaching ministry and his unparalleled ability to make serious doctrine accessible to ordinary people. He was honest, funny, and always able to bring truth into real life.

For us as leaders, however, we have been shaped by his humility, wisdom, and friendship. Tom was eager to elevate others and share leadership, and all of us were made better because of him. He modeled a healthy identity in Christ that has empowered us to not just talk about the freedom of the gospel, but to truly live in it.

Tom preached that “what you know trumps what you feel,” and – more importantly – he lived it. As a result, countless people have said, “Nobody has made a bigger impact in my life than Tom.”

The passion of Tom’s ministry was preaching that Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose to reconcile sinners to a holy, sovereign God. He knew firsthand how God could change lives, and many people found salvation in Christ through Tom’s ministry.

We are deeply grateful to God for Tom Shrader. We will miss him greatly. We are praying for his family and surrounding them with love. And we will grieve as those with hope, knowing that Tom is in the presence of Jesus awaiting a glorious resurrection.

Because the Tomb is Empty,

Redemption Leadership Team

P.S. Funeral arrangements have not yet been finalized. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Redemption Church Gilbert in honor of Tom.

Luke Simmons

Luke is the Lead Pastor of Redemption Gateway.


2019 Annual Report